Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard. Counting and cutting – exploring bureaucratic counting practices at a Danish election. Paper presented at the NordicSTS Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), May 2015
Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard. Domesticating Uncertainty – Reflections on electoral and bureaucratic practices in an election. Paper presented at the EASST Conference, Torun (Poland), September 2014
Election and Exceptions – The Danish Fine count, Paper presented at the MEGAseminar, Sandbjerg 2014.
Steffen Dalsgaard and Christopher Gad: Sovereignty, disability and electoral law in Denmark. Presented at Sandbjerg Megaseminar, January 2014.
Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard. Election and Exceptions – the fine count. Paper presented at the MEGA Seminar Conference, Sandbjerg (Denmark), January 2014
Vadgaard Nielsen 2013. Digitalization, Democratization and Municipal Practices: An Ethnography of the Danish Electoral System. Paper presented at the 1st Nordic STS conference, Trondheim, April 2013.
Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard. Negotiating digitalization in a Danish Municipality. Paper presented at the NordicSTS Conference, Trondheim (Norway), April 2013
Christopher Gad. The Digital Darling: Reflections on current efforts to digitize the Danish election process². Conference Presentation, DASTS Maj 30-31, 2013, University of Copenhagen.
Andreas Laumand Christensen. 4S-Easst. Evoting in Denmark. How?
Anne Kathrine Vadgaard Nielsen. Digitalization in the public sector/An Ethnographic Story from a Danish Municipalities. Nordic STS, Trondheim, 2013
Christopher Gad and Steffen Dalsgaard. What makes a vote? Nordic STS, Trondheim, 2013
Andreas Laumand Christensen. Participation as (event). Nordic STS, Trondheim, 2013
Carsten Schürmann. Certifying Voting Protocols. Invited talk, Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP), pp. 17, 2013, Rennes, France.
C. Schürmann. "Modernizing Electronic Elections". Slides. 2011. Online version, 2011
Nina Boulus-Rødje. E-voting machines: A gift to Democracy? 4S-EASST. Copenhagen, 2012. Presentation slides.