Version 2, The Engineer, 14-15 May 2012
In collaboration with The Danish Board of Technology and DemTech, The Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior held a workshop entitled E-elections in Denmark - how? (danish: E-valg i Danmark - hvordan?) on the 15th of May 2012 (link).
Besides the videos and descriptions on the page of the event, The Danish Board of Technology describes the event and the role of demtech here.
Poul-Henning Kamp, known from FreeBSD and Varnish also commented the event on his blog on Version2 and The Engineer the 24 April, 12 May, 14 May and 15 May.
Nina Boulus-Rødje held a presentation in the workshop: 'Technical and social challenges in light of the essential premisses of the electoral process' (Tekniske og tillidsmæssige udfordringer i lyset af valghandlingens særlige præmisser Presentation slides